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Setting another challenge…

January 27, 2014

If you stop by here every now and then you will see that I am a person that is always planning my next challenge. I have a need to be planning the next ‘thing’ be it a night out, holiday or personal target. I’m not sure if it is healthy to be constantly setting myself challenges and targets to meet and more to the point if I should be sharing them with the world or just keep to myself and celebrate the achievement?

Well, it looks like the sharing will continue for at least this post as I have set myself another target! I am going to tog out and take part in the Wicklow Adventure Race – WAR:Hellfire.

I have exactly two months to get race fit which includes running 3km up a mountain, cycling 17km up and down mountains and some bendy roads it seems and finally 3km up the original mountain again.

I enjoy a challenge but mostly I enjoy completing them! Three years ago I did one of the WAR races that included 40km of running, kayaking and cycling. I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay fitter than I am now back then but it was a fairly hardcore challenge – I tend not to realise how difficult they are until I am around 3km in!

Then last year I decided I’d try Hell and Back. Well. I have never in my life felt so battered and tired. The 14km course nearly finished me.

One word simply describes it. Relentless. Once you got through one assault you were straight into the next one. My major downfall was that I didn’t train enough for it and I had no idea how grueling it was going to be. It was great craic, at times and the feeling of achievement was brilliant but I don’t think I’ll be doing another one!

So, let the training begin. I know I can do it but I’d like to do it well. I’m not going to set any records but I’d like to feel proud rather than pathetic coming across the finish line.


Me after surviving Hell and Back last year!

Me after surviving Hell and Back last year!

From → Other Stuff

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