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A meditation for anyone anywhere

December 7, 2015

I found this simple yet very effective mediation online. It can be done anywhere and any time – I do it in the morning before I get up and at night before I sleep.



I dedicate each inhale to myself and with each exhale I think of others that may need love, peace and compassion. It’s really powerful and a fantastic exercise in self care.

Give it a go and if you like it share it with others.

From → Mindfulness

  1. Nice. I do this with my ‘core desired feelings’ e.g. inhale “open” exhale “open” inhale “love” exhale “love.

  2. So lovely to see this blog back Jill- and with such great content! I did a mindfulness course over the summer- and found it great- the most helpful thing was realising that if I am over-thinking and worrying etc, I can simply say ‘stop. It’ll be fine. Believe that it’ll be ok’ and that stops the flurry of thoughts. Kundalini yoga has also helped with being mindful and being calmer- I definitely believe it works, even just one session a week. Good luck!

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